16 March 2010

Overwhelmed by a sea of endless fury...

Yeah I totally came up with that title on my own ;)

Now to the meaning of this post. While yes, it is in fact about my lack of time to do anything fun anymore, it is also going to showcase
some of my more recent photographs. Theyre from NYC, and more will be coming soon because I did just do a bunch of shots for my photo class at school, since I am failing it...along with three other classes...

ANYWAY! yeah. Ive been through a lot recently, hence my lack of posts and what not..but I am making a come back and it will be soon..aka after this week. I am really excited to work on my self portrait piece for school, I have a really interesting idea and I really hope it works. It involves me (of course), my roof, a chimney, a clear blue sky, and some modified angles :D..it will most likely look like crap, but I am going to try! I have to do three others ones as well, so I have a lot of work cut out for me, and I should probably hop on that.

Also there is something, someone, who I am starting to talk to, and they make me smile ;)..

01 March 2010

I've been AWOL...

Im really sorry I haven't posted in such a long time. I have just been really really busy with everything. But I promise that a new post will be coming soon with a bunch of new pictures. So yeah, look out for them! :D